A Tech for Your Shipping Needs
ICO Date
Mar 15 -
Jun 15
Business services
1ETH = 500 BTNT
Accepted Coins
BitNautic Overview
BitNautic is a decentralized shipping and cargo platform based on blockchain technology. Aiming to provide a better fortune and golden opportunities to consumers, traders, brokers, agents, ship owners and the overall industry. BitNautic acts as a marketplace for goods and commodities where importers, exporters, end-consumer, and producers are available to trade their products and ease their trading practices all over the globe. BitNautic comes with distinctive features like AI (Artificial Intelligence) based booking system, a real-time tracking of ships, an e-commerce platform, special deals and exclusive discounts. BitNautic also introduces a digital currency (BitNautic Coin or BTNC) and deploys blockchain technology along with smart contracts to support fast and transparent transactions. BitNautic has the potential to bring land, air, and ship cargo on one platform, thus, reshaping the way transportation works and touching every aspect of our society.
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