Hardware device that transforms clothes intodata-collecting and identity tools
ICO Date
May 5 -
May 5
Big Data
1 TILE = 0.05 USD
Accepted Coins
Loomia Overview
The LOOMIA TILE is a hardware device that transforms clothes into data-collecting and identity tools. It works in conjunction with the LOOMIA Electronic Layer (LEL), a soft flexible circuit embedded into textiles with the ability to sense changes in its environment, such as heat and touch. Users can transfer their data to a desktop application that allows them to manage and sell their data to market researchers. The app is completely serverless and leverages the blockchain for security and data integrity. In a world where personal data has become a precious commodity sold behind closed doors by large corporations, the LOOMIA TILE gives individuals the right to own their personal data, along with the freedom to choose how to share or sell it. In addition, the LOOMIA TILE’s unique ability to associate an individual’s physical identity, contained in their biometrics and habits, to their digital identity, contained in their online profiles and activities, presents an interesting starting point for a wide range of third party integrations. It makes it possible to build applications on LOOMIA technology to verify identity and facilitate secure payments passively and seamlessly, with no manual interaction or interface.
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