21 million Americans would consider investing in Bitcoin, says Grayscale survey

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A recent survey conducted by Grayscale found that more than a third of U.S. investors are interested in Bitcoin.

Since its release in 2009, Bitcoin's popularity has steadily increased.

CNBC's Squawk Box now even has a Bitcoin advocate in their team who is constantly challenging even the strongest skeptics about the value behind the pioneer cryptocurrency.

According to Grayscale Investments and Q8 Research, more than 21 million U.S. investors would consider investing in Bitcoin.

The research found that those considering investing in Bitcoin "Fit the average profile" of U.S. investors.

When it comes to gender, it was revealed that the difference between males and females who consider Bitcoin as an investment is narrow.

Actually, 43 percent of the Bitcoin-interested investors were women and 93 percent of the women in the entire pool would be open to investing in the pioneer cryptocurrency if they had "Better educational resources" and if their financial advisor recommended the cryptocurrency.

79% are influenced by Bitcoin's growth potential.

Out of the entire surveyed pool, only 36 percent stated they would consider Bitcoin as an investment.

RT's Keiser Report recently produced a 10 part series focused on Bitcoin and Netflix is reportedly working on another cryptocurrency documentary.
