AI-Driven Platform 'Outperformed Stock Markets'

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Rise, which was founded in 2012, is planning to adapt its artificial intelligence trading technology to the cryptocurrency markets - enabling users to manage their investments and trade across dozens of exchanges.

Since its launch, Rise says its technology has been "Proven to outperform major markets." Unlike other platforms which have excluded clients because their investment size is too small, the company says it has taken pride in offering its products to all.

In recent years, Rise's user base has grown - and according to its white paper, it currently has more than $50 million in committed assets under management.

Its white paper explains: "The playing field is being leveled for all who join Rise, as well as bolstering the cryptocurrency market itself with data-driven investment strategies that are free of emotional human bias, ignore hype, and avoid the pump-and-dump marketing or boom-and-bust cycles that inevitably bring unnecessary risk to the market."

Rise claims it has a long-term team of mathematicians, ex-professional traders, AI specialists, and crypto experts - as well as a technological agility which "Large, slow-moving players" cannot match.

The firm is now launching the Rise token, which it describes as the entrance point for its ecosystem.

According to the company, token holders will be able to "Access award-winning technology," but as part of the company's business model, they will also be profit participants - sharing 20 percent of the revenues that Rise accrues by licensing its technology to banks and third-party funds.

Rise says its security token will be fully compliant with "One of the strictest jurisdictions in the world" - Germany.

A private presale of Rise tokens has been taking place from Sept. 1 to Oct. 31 2018, with a public sale taking place throughout November in three stages.

Following the end of the security token offering, a full version of the Rise app - complete with all trading features - is set to launch in the first quarter of 2019.
