Blockchain Scalability: Current Challenges and Potential Solutions

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Fundamentally, a blockchain is a time-linked distributed ledger.

In 2017, due to the increasing popularity of Bitcoin, the network approached its current limitation in transaction throughput.

Each layered protocol would benefit from the security of the Bitcoin blockchain while adding functionality off-chain.

The main off-chain scaling solution for Bitcoin is the Lightning Network, which could offer the exponential scaling required for Bitcoin to dramatically increase its throughput.

Bitcoin uses proof-of-work to form consensus in the network.

It's my belief that these alternative systems offer useful properties for some nonfinancial blockchain use cases.

Currently, the EOS blockchain is centralized in the hands of a few Chinese token holders, claiming to take 11 so-called "Block Producers" to control the majority of EOS network, and it's causing high-profile projects built on EOS to reconsider which blockchain they want to build on.

Barton Johnson is the chief technology officer and co-founder of Blockchain Zoo, a global association of DLT and IT experts, which is building the ZooBC blockchain platform.

His focus is on blockchain technology - specifically the underlying infrastructure.

Barton works on the structures of various types of decentralized consensus protocols, hashing and asymmetric encryption algorithms, and analysis and applications of new blockchain and crypto technologies such as Maid Safe, Iota and NXT..
