Day Trading Bitcoin: Why 95% of Traders Lose Money and Fail

Published on by Cointele | Published on

Almost all traders are aware of the widely publicized statistic that "95% of traders lose money." When you drill deeper, research implies that this number is likely higher.

6 striking stats showing traders have it rough There are the obvious reasons - the appeal of working for yourself, sitting in your underwear on your couch all day making millions.

The truth is, day trading is extremely difficult, emotionally taxing and far more likely to destroy your life than enrich it.

Among all day traders, nearly 40% day trade for only one month;.

The last point suggests that day traders even continue to trade when they receive a negative signal regarding their ability.

Almost everyone loses, they lose fast, they underperform simple, mindless investments, and they continue trading even after being proven unprofitable.

Why?The truth is, most would-be traders are woefully underprepared for the challenge ahead and learn many hard lessons with their real money.

What is "Random reinforcement"? Perhaps a less notable reason that traders fail is the principle of "Random reinforcement." This concept also explains why they often continue trading, even after failing repeatedly.

Through random reinforcement, the market has re-conditioned the way Bob approaches trading by distracting him away from his trading plan.

Amateur traders were making money hand over foot by simply throwing cash into random altcoins and selling after massive, immediate gains.
