How Blockchain Can Transform Digital Media

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Guest post by Matej Michalko from DECENT. Matej is the CEO of DECENT. In an era of digital triumphs, trials, and security breaches, 2018 has simultaneously become both the best and worst time to be a content creator in the digital media space.

Profits from digital media platforms are barely making it to the creators.

As in many areas of modern life, blockchain has applications for digital content creators to take back the power in this transaction.

Not only can blockchain get payments to artists faster, but its automatic transparency also allows for creators to see when and where transactions are happening.

Blockchain-based media services don't just benefit creators' wallets.

As a bonus, creators can also receive digital fingerprinting and a digital identity, ensuring that their content is secure and cannot be changed or altered from its original form.

The embrace of blockchain-backed technology couldn't come at a better time for content creators in the digital media space.

The current digital status quo that has been set by digital media giants is bound to collapse as more artists and creators begin to demand their fair share of profits-and it's a not a matter of "If" but rather "When." Major musical acts like Tool, Beyonce, and Yoko Ono continue to boycott streaming services in an act of solidarity for all musicians, as well as royalty criticisms continuing to plague the industry.

As creators continue struggling to get their share paid in full and on time, the transparency and convenience of the blockchain cannot be overstated.

If the media industry begins to sell and distribute digital media content through a blockchain-backed system, content creators will have an incredible new opportunity to take power back from the big platform providers and finally receive their fair share of profits, securely distribute their work, and keep the integrity of content reviews.
