Litecoin's new MimbleWimble update confirms September testnet launch

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The first testnet for the MimbleWimble implementation on Litecoin remains on track for a September launch, lead developer David Burkett said in a July update yesterday.

The Litecoin MimbleWimble July update is here!https://t.

To explain, Burkett said each block header in Litecoin uses a Merkle tree to commit to all transactions in that block.

To avoid this, the Litecoin July update brings forth a different structure to commit to the transactions.

Fungibility is the only property of sound money that is missing from Bitcoin & Litecoin.

I am now focused on making Litecoin more fungible by adding Confidential Transactions.

Moving forward, the developer's plan for Litecoin in August was to focus on message processing and "Cleaning up the code, adding more tests, and maybe even some documentation if I'm feeling really wild."

A possible Cardano partnership is on the cards for Litecoin.

I love the idea of testing cross chain communication between Litecoin and Cardano.

Lee replied with a "Sure," opening up the invite from mere ideation to a discussion and stating a relevant person from the Litecoin Foundation will contact Hoskinson soon.
