Move over Craig Wright, there's a new Satoshi in town

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There is another claimant to the Satoshi Nakamoto throne.

The latest Faketoshi claims that the word Bitcoin was created as an acronym for the defunct Pakistani bank "Bank of credIT and COmmerce INternational," and that the name Satoshi Nakamoto was chosen due to its symbolic value in Chaldean numerology.

The "Real" Satoshi Nakamoto hires PR company for his big reveal.

The number of people claiming to be Satoshi has continued to increase as Bitcoin nears its 11th birthday.

After several quiet months, the crypto industry saw another claimant to the Satoshi Nakamoto namesake.

The first post, titled "I am Satoshi Nakamoto," starts off as an introduction to the concept of Bitcoin, as well as a long, but empty description of Bitcoin's history and misuse.

We have a new Satoshi fraud in town and it's just as meticulously absurd as you would expect it to be.

The inability to access the 980,000 BTC Satoshi Nakamoto owns was explained in an even more unbelievable way.

As unbelievable as it might sound, all of this information is just a prelude to the "Real" Satoshi Nakamoto's final plan-Tabula Rasa.

The Bitcoin community continues to reject any claim to the Satoshi name unless there is cryptographic proof that they have access to Nakamoto's original wallets.
