Not Just Bitcoin: OpenBazaar Is Gearing Up for a Radical Redesign

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"I personally wasted so much time in the bitcoin scaling civil war that I could have used designing [and] building dapps and opening up OpenBazaar to multiple currencies," Sanchez wrote.

While bitcoin remains the most widely used - with 11,000 listings of items to purchase with the cryptocurrency - other coins are making a mark for OpenBazaar's 5,000 weekly users.

There are around 1,122 listings for items to buy with bitcoin cash, the cryptocurrency that forked off bitcoin in August 2017, plus a few dozen products being sold for privacy-oriented cryptocurrency zcash.

On Twitter, Sanchez seconded that sentiment, saying, "OpenBazaar is supposed to be a free and open protocol for trade using cryptocurrency, a way for currencies and tokens to gain meaningful economic utility to acquire goods and service, and an entry point for people to earn and onboard."

For one, Hoffman announced plans to launch OpenBazaar Token during crypto conference Token Summit in December, and the team laid out some of its other plans in January after raising $5 million from investors like China-based crypto mining hardware giant Bitmain.

Albeit, OpenBazaar won't be able to support every coin right away.

OpenBazaar plans on taking its multi-currency outlook one step further next year, offering support for ethereum and ethereum tokens, even crypto-collectibles such as CryptoKitties and other digital pets.

OpenBazaar is looking to revamp its desktop website and launch mobile apps, which will start being beta-tested in June.

At first, these interfaces will feature read-only versions of the desktop app where newbies can merely browse through listings and profiles, but later, OpenBazaar will create a browser-ready site like any other site.

On top of putting a significant amount of its developer power towards making the marketplace more accessible and open, OpenBazaar also plans to make ideation and development more accessible to those outside its ranks.
