Over 83% of Bitcoin Discussions Are 'Positive' on Reddit: New Study

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Articles were scored based on positive and negative sentiment in relation to other articles included in the study.

People are more likely to write a negative review of something than a positive one, cryptocurrency reverses that trend.

It is estimated that 85.5% of conversations on the topic were deemed positive in sentiment.

The analysis of media articles painted a different picture with the majority of outlets publishing more negative articles than positive.

The most guilty of this were HuffPost, Business Insider, and the International Business Times, which posted twice as many negative articles as positive.

Only Forbes bucked the trend, with 80% of its cryptocurrency related pieces having a positive sentiment.

Coin by coin breakdownFacebook's Libra currency tops the charts when it comes to positive sentiment on Reddit.

An unbelievable 97.7% of discussions were judged to be positive.

Cardano, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Tron also performed well, with between 85 and 90% of Reddit conversations being positive.

Bitcoin scored an 83.5% positive rating, while even the sometimes controversial Tether was discussed in a positive light twice as much as with negative sentiment.
