Verge Founder Justin Sunerok Talks About the Future and Potential of XVG [Interview]

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Justin Sunerok, the founder and lead developer for Verge Currency, joined CryptoSlate for an interview yesterday.

Verge was created in mid-2014 by Justin "Sunerok" Valo under the name DogeCoinDark.

"Crypto itself is vastly open-source. A lot of people are hands on. There a lot of investors. Verge is just one in a whole world of that. You have 40 some-odd coins above you that want to maintain their position and don't like you, and you have 2000 coins below you that want to pull you down and climb over you."

"I want Verge to be the best. I have that mentality, and I have no shame in that. I want to see Verge be number one. That may or may not ever happen. But I'll settle for number two or number three and know that I did my best."

"I would say that the Verge Fam is already doing what they need to do. We didn't retweet anything about this [interview] from my account or from the Verge account, but they found your post [anyway]."

"The Verge Fam is already doing what they need to do People bring things to my attention all the time, just random community members, 'hey did you see this, did you see this, what do you think about this?', so they're already doing it. The community couldn't really be any better."

Another Verge holder asked when Sunerok thought XVG would break its downtrend.

One point of controversy around Verge is Justin Sunerok's criminal record.

In a final question, Justin Sunerok was asked what he thought the strengths and weaknesses of Verge were, and what they are today.

Based on the vibrant community and Justin Sunerok's comments, it appears Verge is very much alive.
